24. Juni 2017 | | | | | CAC Wirges 1. Tag | Richter: Alan Matthews (IRL) | Gemeldet: 42 Hunde
| | | | | | | anwesend: 37 Hunde
| | | | | Rüden | |
Baby | | | vv1 | Best Baby | Quaterback Silvermoon of Snowboot Bears | Ch. Macoes Bacardi of Snowboot Bears | Ch. Koko Chanel aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
2/2 | | | vv2 | | Blizzard Arctic Storm | Ch. Norman Harrison aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal | Ch. Bushwagger's Five of Nine
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| | | | | | |
Jugend | | 5 | V 1 | CAC | High in the Sky O'Sole Mio | Ch. Bottom Shaker High in the Sky | Ch. Reata's Olivia
1/2 | | | | | | |
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Zwischen | | 5 | V 1 | CAC | Melleonär's Cupid's Arrow | Ch. Argovian Livin' on Love | Ch. Sweet Expression's Q-tie Pie
1/2 | | | | | | |
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Champion | | 6 | V 1 | CAC, BOS | Danish Delight Quarterback | Ch. Woody Woodstock von den Blue Zottel´s | Danish Delight Mary go Round
2/3 | | 4 | V 2 | CAC-R | Snowboots Man on a Mission | Ch. Eldorado aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal | Ch. Snowboots Jabberwalky
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Offene | | 6 | V 1 | CAC | Ernie vom Goitzschesee | Ch. Shaggy Blue Bob's Here is George | Ch. Anastacia vom Goitzschesee
2/2 | | 4 | V 2 | CAC-R | Goofy vom Weidenhof | Ch. Shaggy Blue Bob's Pretty Snowball | Xora vom Weidenhof
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| | | | | | |
Kör | | | V | | Aryakas Hercules | Ch. Qubic's the Buck stops Here | Ch. Fan-Fell Qualified for Happiness
2/2 | | | V | | Digby a Child of Gwenhwyfar | Ch. Dangerfreak’s Roll the Dice | Ch. Betty a Child of Gwenhwyfar
Veteranen | | | 1.Pl. | CAC-V | Wotan von den Blue Zottel's | Ch. Aryakas Callipous | Ch. Pippilotta von den Blue Zottel's
1/1 | | | | | | |
| | | | | Hündinnen | |
Baby | | | vv1 | | Quality Time of Snowboot Bears | Ch. Macoes Bacardi of Snowboot Bears | Ch. Koko Chanel aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
4/4 | | | vv2 | | Blizzard Arctic Moon | Ch. Norman Harrison aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal | Ch. Bushwagger's Five of Nine
| | | vv3 | | Pennylane Eyes Only For You | Ch. Zottel's Devil Wears Prada | Ch. Zottel's Xtravagance
| | | vv4 | | Frieda vom Goitzschesee | Ch. Angel Kenobi from Stone's | Ch. Cosma Shiva vom Goitzschesee
Jüngsten | | | vv1 | Best Puppy | Mille Miglia Io Mammeta Etu | Ch. Bottom Shaker High in the Sky | Bada Bambina di Zuccherino
1/1 | | | | | | |
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Jugend | | 8 | V 1 | CAC-J, BJH | Lady in Red from Beautiful Highlands | Ch. Pole-Position's Quax | Ch. Kiss from a rose from Beautiful Highland
5/6 | | 6 | V 2 | CAC-J-R | Wicked Wisdom's Off Course | Ch. Pole-Position's Quax | Wicked Wisdom's just be Wonderful
| | 4 | V 3 | | Shaggy Blue Bob's Viper | Ch. Shaggy Blue Bob's Pretty Snowball | Shaggy Blue Bob's True Love
| | 2 | V 4 | | Prima Donna aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal | Ch. Norman Harrison aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal | Ch. Aryakas Niki Elbeurstromtal
Zwischen | | 8 | V 1 | CAC | Shaggy Black Foots Amazing | Ch. Aryakas Midas | Ch. Histoire D'Amour of Reality Dream
5/5 | | 6 | V 2 | CAC-R | Gwendolina a Child of Gwenhwyfar | Ch. Shaggy Blue Bob's Rebel Yell | Enya a Child of Gwenhwyfar
| | 4 | V 3 | | Valentine aus dem Rotmaintal | Ch. Silvery Bear Göd Wide Boy | Ch. Klara aus dem Rotmaintal
| | 2 | V 4 | | Ostwind aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal | Ch. Eldorado aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal | Ch. Jadore aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
Champion | | 13 | V 1 | CAC, BOB | Shaggy Blue Bob's Sweet Dream of Grace Kelly | Ch. Rollingview Shaggy Blue Zorbas | Ch. Shaggy Blue Bob's Never Let Me Down Again
4/4 | | 6 | V 2 | CAC-R | Mopatshow's Calypso at Shaggy Blue Bob's | Ch. Shaggy Blue Bob's Rebel Yell | Shaggy Blue Bob's High Energy
| | 4 | V 3 | | Bushwagger's Five of Nine | Argovian Imported by Youandi | Bushwagger's Dream a little dream
| | 2 | V 4 | | Kiss from a rose from Beautiful Highland | Zottel’s Just As U Like It | Ch. Icing on the cake from Beautiful Highland
Offene | | 7 | V 1 | CAC | Kerjalee Mistic Moments | Ch. Kerjalee Moments Jus Lik Zat | Ch. Kerjalee Mistical Moments
3/3 | | 5 | V 2 | CAC-R | Royal Grey's Dream under Rainbows | Ch. Silvery Bear Göd Wide Boy | Ch. Ninepin's By Heart
| | 3 | V 3 | | Bushwagger's First of May | Argovian Imported by Youandi | Bushwagger's Dream a little dream
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Kör | | | V | | Ivory from the Stranger in a Strange Land | Ch. Youandi Antaeus | Ebony from the Stranger in a Strange Land
2/3 | | | V | | Enya a Child of Gwenhwyfar | Kö-Pi's 599 Blue Champagner | Ch. Duffy a Child of Gwenhwyfar
Veteranen | | | 1.Pl. | CAC-V, BV | Any Way Any How of Fool's Paradise | Ch. Youandi Antaeus | Ch. Uptowngirl of Fool's Paradise
2/2 | | | 2.Pl. | CAC-V-R | Anastacia vom Goitzschesee | Ch. Bobbyclown's Curious Clown | Ch. Shaggy Blue Bob's Evita