24. Juni 2017CAC Wirges 1. TagRichter: Alan Matthews (IRL)Gemeldet: 42 Hunde
anwesend: 37 Hunde
Babyvv1Best BabyQuaterback Silvermoon of Snowboot BearsCh. Macoes Bacardi of Snowboot BearsCh. Koko Chanel aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
2/2vv2Blizzard Arctic StormCh. Norman Harrison aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalCh. Bushwagger's Five of Nine
Jugend5V 1CACHigh in the Sky O'Sole MioCh. Bottom Shaker High in the SkyCh. Reata's Olivia
Zwischen5V 1CACMelleonär's Cupid's ArrowCh. Argovian Livin' on LoveCh. Sweet Expression's Q-tie Pie
Champion6V 1CAC, BOSDanish Delight QuarterbackCh. Woody Woodstock von den Blue Zottel´sDanish Delight Mary go Round
2/34V 2CAC-RSnowboots Man on a MissionCh. Eldorado aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalCh. Snowboots Jabberwalky
Offene6V 1CACErnie vom GoitzscheseeCh. Shaggy Blue Bob's Here is GeorgeCh. Anastacia vom Goitzschesee
2/24V 2CAC-RGoofy vom WeidenhofCh. Shaggy Blue Bob's Pretty SnowballXora vom Weidenhof
KörVAryakas HerculesCh. Qubic's the Buck stops HereCh. Fan-Fell Qualified for Happiness
2/2VDigby a Child of GwenhwyfarCh. Dangerfreak’s Roll the DiceCh. Betty a Child of Gwenhwyfar
Veteranen1.Pl.CAC-VWotan von den Blue Zottel'sCh. Aryakas CallipousCh. Pippilotta von den Blue Zottel's
Babyvv1Quality Time of Snowboot BearsCh. Macoes Bacardi of Snowboot BearsCh. Koko Chanel aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
4/4vv2Blizzard Arctic MoonCh. Norman Harrison aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalCh. Bushwagger's Five of Nine
vv3Pennylane Eyes Only For YouCh. Zottel's Devil Wears PradaCh. Zottel's Xtravagance
vv4Frieda vom GoitzscheseeCh. Angel Kenobi from Stone'sCh. Cosma Shiva vom Goitzschesee
Jüngstenvv1Best PuppyMille Miglia Io Mammeta EtuCh. Bottom Shaker High in the SkyBada Bambina di Zuccherino
Jugend8V 1CAC-J, BJHLady in Red from Beautiful HighlandsCh. Pole-Position's QuaxCh. Kiss from a rose from Beautiful Highland
5/66V 2CAC-J-RWicked Wisdom's Off CourseCh. Pole-Position's QuaxWicked Wisdom's just be Wonderful
4V 3Shaggy Blue Bob's ViperCh. Shaggy Blue Bob's Pretty SnowballShaggy Blue Bob's True Love
2V 4Prima Donna aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalCh. Norman Harrison aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalCh. Aryakas Niki Elbeurstromtal
Zwischen8V 1CACShaggy Black Foots AmazingCh. Aryakas MidasCh. Histoire D'Amour of Reality Dream
5/56V 2CAC-RGwendolina a Child of GwenhwyfarCh. Shaggy Blue Bob's Rebel YellEnya a Child of Gwenhwyfar
4V 3Valentine aus dem RotmaintalCh. Silvery Bear Göd Wide BoyCh. Klara aus dem Rotmaintal
2V 4Ostwind aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalCh. Eldorado aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalCh. Jadore aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
Champion13V 1CAC, BOBShaggy Blue Bob's Sweet Dream of Grace KellyCh. Rollingview Shaggy Blue ZorbasCh. Shaggy Blue Bob's Never Let Me Down Again
4/46V 2CAC-RMopatshow's Calypso at Shaggy Blue Bob'sCh. Shaggy Blue Bob's Rebel YellShaggy Blue Bob's High Energy
4V 3Bushwagger's Five of NineArgovian Imported by YouandiBushwagger's Dream a little dream
2V 4Kiss from a rose from Beautiful HighlandZottel’s Just As U Like ItCh. Icing on the cake from Beautiful Highland
Offene7V 1CACKerjalee Mistic MomentsCh. Kerjalee Moments Jus Lik ZatCh. Kerjalee Mistical Moments
3/35V 2CAC-RRoyal Grey's Dream under RainbowsCh. Silvery Bear Göd Wide BoyCh. Ninepin's By Heart
3V 3Bushwagger's First of MayArgovian Imported by YouandiBushwagger's Dream a little dream
KörVIvory from the Stranger in a Strange LandCh. Youandi AntaeusEbony from the Stranger in a Strange Land
2/3VEnya a Child of GwenhwyfarKö-Pi's 599 Blue ChampagnerCh. Duffy a Child of Gwenhwyfar
Veteranen1.Pl.CAC-V, BVAny Way Any How of Fool's ParadiseCh. Youandi AntaeusCh. Uptowngirl of Fool's Paradise
2/22.Pl.CAC-V-RAnastacia vom GoitzscheseeCh. Bobbyclown's Curious ClownCh. Shaggy Blue Bob's Evita