10. Juni 2018 | | | | | CAC Wirges (2. Tag) | Richterin: Sally Duffin (GB) | Gemeldet: 46 Hunde
| | | | | | | anwesend: 40 Hunde
| | | | | Rüden | |
Baby | | | vv1 | | Dream under Rainbows All About Love | Happy Panda's Bossanova | Ch. Royal Grey's Dream under Rainbows
1/1 | | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
Jugend | | 8 | V 1 | CAC-J | Happy Panda's Favory Canissa XXII | Happy Panda's Drover | Ch. Happy Panda's Attenzione-Attenzione
6/6 | | 6 | V 2 | CAC-J-R | Royal Croft Jeffery In Kerjalee | Pennylane Aston Martin | Ch. Royal Croft Full Circle to Greystokes
| | 4 | V 3 | | Bizzeeboots Moonlight Dancer | Ch. Bagatelle Moonlit River | Ch. Bizzeeboots Last Dance
| | 2 | V 4 | | Touch of Charm everywhere you go | Ch. Norman Harrison aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal | Brinkley Moonlight ‘n Roses
Zwischen | | 7 | V 1 | CAC | Happy Panda's Emilio | Pole-Position's Rocky | Ch. Kö-Pi's 599 Tara-Banda Dora
3/4 | | 5 | V 2 | CAC-R | Just Friends Ti Amo | Happy Panda's Bossanova | Just Friends Penny Lane
| | 1 | SG3 | | Diamondbears Applaus | Ch. Kingsize aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal | Silvermoon's Vivienne Westwood
| | | | | | |
Champion | | 12 | V 1 | CAC, BOB | Danish Delight U R The One | Ch. Danish Delight Strikes Back | Ch. Danish Delight Mary go Round
3/3 | | 5 | V 2 | CAC-R | Danish Delight Quarterback | Ch. Woody Woodstock von den Blue Zottel´s | Ch. Danish Delight Mary go Round
| | 3 | V 3 | | Ernie vom Goitzschesee | Ch. Shaggy Blue Bob's Here is George | Ch. Anastacia vom Goitzschesee
| | | | | | |
Offene | | 7 | V 1 | CAC | Melleonär's Cupid's Arrow | Ch. Argovian Livin' on Love | Ch. Sweet Expression's Q-tie Pie
3/4 | | 5 | V 2 | CAC-R | Goofy vom Weidenhof | Ch. Shaggy Blue Bob's Pretty Snowball | Xora vom Weidenhof
| | 3 | V 3 | | Kimbo von Laubenzedel | Ch. Othello aus dem Rotmaintal | Jule von Laubenzedel
| | | | | | |
Kör | | | V | | Aryakas Hercules | Ch. Qubic's the Buck stops Here | Ch. Fan-Fell Qualified for Happiness
1/1 | | | | | | |
Veteranen | | | 1.Pl | CAC-V, BV | Kerjalee Takes the Lead | Ch. Kerjalee Takes a Moment | Make my Moment at Kerjalee
1/1 | | | | | | |
| | | | | Hündinnen | |
Jüngsten | | | vv1 | Best Puppy | Shaggy Blue Bob's Zariah | Ch. Blueshire`s I am Canadian with Brinkley | Ch. Mopatshow's Calypso at Shaggy Blue Bob's
4/4 | | | vv2 | | Shaggy Blue Bob's Zumba Babe | Ch. Blueshire`s I am Canadian with Brinkley | Ch. Mopatshow's Calypso at Shaggy Blue Bob's
| | | vv3 | | Utopia dei Nobilpazzi | Ch. One Oneiro Dei Nobilpazzi | Ch. Google dei Nobilpazzi
| | | vv4 | | Askia von den Glücks Bobby's | Ch. Niedersachsen's Pride Just Remember | Babette von den Bayern Bobby's
Jugend | | 9 | V 1 | CAC-J, BJH | Touch of Charm my spezial Angel | Ch. Norman Harrison aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal | Brinkley Moonlight ‘n Roses
3/5 | | 5 | V 2 | CAC-J-R | Snowboots On Wings of Love | Shaggy Blue Bob's Under Taker | Ch. Snowboots Milk 'N Honey
| | 3 | V 3 | | Happy Panda's Fiorenza Blu | Happy Panda's Drover | Ch. Happy Panda's Attenzione-Attenzione
| | | | | | |
Zwischen | | 8 | V 1 | CAC | Frieda vom Goitzschesee | Ch. Angel Kenobi from Stone's | Ch. Cosma Shiva vom Goitzschesee
4/4 | | 6 | V 2 | CAC-R | Shaggy Blue Bob's Viktoria | Ch. Shaggy Blue Bob's Pretty Snowball | Shaggy Blue Bob's True Love
| | 4 | V 3 | | Shaggy Blue Bob's Viper | Ch. Shaggy Blue Bob's Pretty Snowball | Shaggy Blue Bob's True Love
| | 1 | SG4 | | Diamondbears Ambra | Ch. Kingsize aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal | Silvermoon's Vivienne Westwood
Champion | | 9 | V 1 | CAC, BOS | Brinkley Moonlight ‘n Roses | Ch. Blueshire`s I am Canadian with Brinkley | Brinkley Sheze Adorable
2/2 | | 4 | V 2 | CAC-R | Shaggy Blue Bob's Sweet Dream of Grace Kelly | Ch. Rollingview Shaggy Blue Zorbas | Ch. Shaggy Blue Bob's Never Let Me Down Again
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
Offene | | 8 | V 1 | CAC | Kerjalee She Has Her Moments | Ch. Kerjalee Moments Jus Lik Zat | Ch. Kerjalee Make Moments for Sutranzo
4/4 | | 6 | V 2 | CAC-R | Shaggy Blue Bob's Walking in my Shoes | Ch. Shaggy Blue Bob's Rebel Yell | Ch. Shaggy Blue Bob's Never Let Me Down Again
| | 4 | V 3 | | Antonia von Abratis | Ch. Pole-Position's Quax | Chelsea von der Hummelelfe
| | 2 | V 4 | | Betzy's Paradise Bijou | Ch. Woody Woodstock von den Blue Zottel´s | Shaggy Tramps Hollywood Diva
Baby 1/1 | | | vv1 | Best Baby | Dream under Rainbows Afternoon Soaps | Happy Panda's Bossanova | Ch. Royal Grey's Dream under Rainbows
Ehren 1/1 | | | 1.Pl | | Snowboots Milk 'N Honey | Ch. Eldorado aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal | Ch. Snowboots Jabberwalky
Veteranen | | | 1.Pl | CAC-V | Any Way Any How of Fool's Paradise | Ch. Youandi Antaeus | Ch. Uptown Girl of Fool's Paradise
1/2 | | | | | | |
Kör | | | V | | Just Friends Penny Lane | Ch. Kingsize aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal | Ch. Dangerfreak's Xmas Carol
2/2 | | | V | | Babette von den Bayern Bobby's | Ch. Shaggy Blue Bob's Rebel Yell | O'lala Modry Kanon